Becoming an Ocean of Burning.
The feeling of Ascension.
I know I am rising.
The rumbling in my gut is fueling the words to rise from my core, my very center of being, burning up into my chest, my heart, flowing like lava, overflowing, bursting my heart veins and rupturing
up through my throat
erupting out of my mouth, my dry red lips, cracked from being silent for too long, but now wet- wet with the rain of words pouring out, the flow of feelings and thoughts and emotions that were too long quieted by others lies squeezed into my beaten heart.
The words s p r e a d i n g like hot, burning lava,
filling open around
any space me
flowing and spilling over bumpy terrain and winding curves, carving a path into the rocky foundation of the stories I've lived that weren't my own. Creating a
new pathway
turning all of those lies into ash, soft and hot and pliable to mold new stories. Ones I choose. Ones I create. Ones I want.
Because I only do what I want, now.
And I want to flow like lava through this world, erupting, active, becoming an ocean of burning, making my own flow, carving my own way