If you'll sit and listen/I'll tell you a secret
The World is Ready for You
I have long struggled with the phrase “know your worth.” It sounds so capitalistic, like who I am is supposed to be dwindled down to financial compensation; what I can get in exchange for my life sum of experiences.
And also,
know your worth.
Know Your Worth.
Know what you bring to the table.
Know that your experiences, trials and tribulations and perseverance through the rough times and gratitude for the easeful times- all means something.
Know that your voice is potent, and full of words that someone’s heartspace is longing to hear, so speak up.
Know that your wisdom and your fumbles and your graceful swagger and awkward dancing are impactful. Know that all you’ve been through, all you are and all you’re striving to be-
Are valuable. Don’t settle for less. Your worth isn’t up for barter, nor can it be bought.
And if anyone ever tries to make You feel like less, or tries to persuade you that what you bring to the table isn’t valuable-
Know that you have the skills to build your own damn table and invite whomever you want to sit with you (or dance on top of it!)
Know your worth. Don’t you dare settle.
This world is ready for you.
Journaling prompt:
What do you want to be when you grow up? Moreso, how do you want to feel when you grow up?
Set a timer for 15 minutes.
Close your eyes (if you wish. this works the same magic if you opt to keep your eyes open)
Place your hands over your heart, or one on your heart and one just below your belly button.
Breathe. Breathe into your belly, expanding out through your bellybutton.
Begin to count your breath.
1,2,3,4 on the inhale.
5,4,3,2,1 on the exhale.
3 times. (or keep going if it feels good!)
And then- ask yourself-
When you envision your future life, what does it look like? A year from now, 3 years from now, 6 months from now? What activities fill your time? What is the setting? Who is around you? How do you feel, in this life that you are living, that you have created for yourself? What does it feel like in your body, in your heart, in your headspace, to be in this life that you have just described? Write down all of the ideas that come to mind, and be as descriptive and specific as you can- the more details, the better. If you find yourself getting stuck or feeling blocked- just keep the pencil on the paper/ your fingers on the keyboard, and Keep Writing. Keep writing until the timer goes off, trying your best not to judge what comes forth- simply letting it flow out.